Healthsharing vs. Health Insurance

We’ve all been there: The calendar flips to November, and instead of being able to enjoy the crisp fall weather with family and friends, you’re stuck inside reading reams of health insurance packets, trying to understand what coverage you need to keep your family safe and healthy while staying within your budget.

Imagine bypassing the annual stress of open enrollment without compromising on quality or affordability of healthcare. With WeShare, you’re not restricted to a once-a-year window to save on healthcare costs. Our plan is available year-round, offering substantial savings compared to traditional health insurance. This means you have the freedom to choose the healthcare you need, when you need it, without the fear of draining your life savings. No more timing your healthcare needs around enrollment periods—WeShare provides a flexible, cost-effective solution anytime you need it.

When it comes to healthcare coverage you have two main options: Traditional health insurance and healthsharing. With healthsharing, members share the cost of healthcare services through set monthly contributions, which is similar to a premium in the health insurance world. Depending on the specific program you choose, when you seek care, you may have a deductible (what we call an Annual Member Share Amount) or copay (we call this a Consultation Fee) like you would with a traditional insurance plan. However, the costs of those contributions, your annual share amount, and consultation fees are significantly lower than traditional health insurance. And, depending on your needs, health share programs may share in more of the healthcare services you actually use. Because healthshare plans aren’t held to the same requirements or red tape as traditional insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act or other regulations, they’re able to provide you with more freedom and flexibility. You can join a healthshare program at any time and you can become a member regardless of your employment status. This makes healthsharing a great option if you’re self-employed, a stay-at-home-parent, or at a job that doesn’t provide health benefits. 

Healthsharing ministries are also non-profit organizations, and because there are a wide range of both faith-based and secular options, you can find a group that shares your values and priorities. And with healthsharing, you’re also joining a community. A community that supports you, generously gives to people in moments of crisis, and cares for people when they need it most.

A major advantage of health share programs is their focus on preventive care, which not only helps maintain low medical costs for everyone in the community but also enriches your overall quality of life. Preventative care effectively reduces long-term healthcare expenses – a benefit that serves all members. We’ll explore this further in our upcoming blog post titled “Discover Freedom Through Preventative Healthcare“. This piece will delve deeper into how prioritizing preventative care can lead to significant health and financial benefits.

When you own a car, it’s best practice to keep up with the regular oil changes and inspections, right? The same is true for your health. Regular blood tests, physical examinations, and mental health check-ups ensure that your mind and body can take you wherever you want to go. At WeShare, we are committed to supporting your long-term health and well-being by actively promoting preventive care. We achieve this through various programs, partnerships, discounts, and incentives designed to keep you engaged with practices that nurture your mind, body, heart, and soul. While every health share organization will offer different options, our partnerships with Noom, Fitbod, RightNow Media, and HelloFresh ensure you have the resources you need to maintain the lifestyle you want.

While traditional healthcare plans certainly have their place, it’s essential to know that alternatives like healthsharing exist. By understanding all your options, you empower yourself to make choices that best suit your health and lifestyle. Ultimately, having the freedom to choose is not just about selecting a plan – it’s about stepping into the healthiest version of yourself, on your own terms. Isn’t it time to consider what truly serves your well-being?