Why 1.7 million Followers Choose Healthsharing

Why 1.7 million Followers Choose Healthsharing

It’s hard for our brains to grasp the true size of 1.7 million. Just try to picture it:

1.7 million gumballs, held in the world’s largest gumball machine! 

1.7 million Legos, probably spread across your living room floor in the middle of the night.

1.7 million individual dollar bills, all filling a swimming pool in your backyard!

In the healthcare world, 1.7 million is the number of people who have chosen to use healthsharing as their coverage option. That’s 1.7 million lives, 1.7 million sons and daughters, 1.7 million individual stories that matter. These 1.7 million have chosen to trust healthsharing ministries with their healthcare, and there are a few reasons for that: The cost of healthsharing, the emphasis on preventative care, and the like-minded community you belong to are three of the main pros. We’ve previously shared more about what healthsharing is and the preventative care services that healthsharing prioritizes in our article, “Discover Freedom Through Preventative Healthcare”. But what are some of the other reasons that were a deciding factor for over 1.7 million people?

Ethical and Transparent Spending 

Most healthshare ministries are faith-based organizations and have guidelines around what kinds of healthcare will be reimbursed to match the values of the group. As a member, you know that your monthly contributions aren’t going towards things that don’t align with your personal beliefs. If this isn’t a concern for you but you still want to participate in healthsharing, there are also a few secular healthshare options for you to explore that don’t have as many ethics-based boundaries. Transparency in the usage of those funds means that, as non-profit organizations, healthsharing ministries are responsible for reporting just how your monthly share dollars were put to use each year. These reports breakdown how funds are used, whether directly going towards member’s medical care costs or in maintaining the ministry itself.

Community Belonging

With traditional health insurance, it’s easy to feel like just another Member ID number. Joining a healthshare ministry means being a part of something bigger than yourself. There is a deep sense of community and belonging that comes with membership to a healthshare ministry. Each share dollar isn’t just going to another health insurance company’s profit margin, but is actively impacting the lives of other people who need help with medical expenses, whether as payments to members or in maintaining the livelihoods of those who work for healthshare ministries. Some organizations even offer ways to pray for or send cards to other members who are ill, recovering from surgery, or in treatment for chronic illness.

If you're already one of the 1.7 million embracing health sharing, we trust you're experiencing its extensive benefits. If not, consider joining a community that prioritizes both your health and values. More than just cost savings, health sharing offers a proactive approach to wellness with preventative care, deep community connections, and genuine support. Don’t just be another number; be part of a movement that cares. Contact us to learn more about how health sharing can benefit you and become part of our story today.