Amon-Ra St. Brown: Balancing NFL Stardom and Personal Wellness

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Keeping up with Amon-Ra St.Brown

Amon-Ra St. Brown is many things— wide receiver, podcast host, loving son and brother. He’s also a WeShare ambassador, and we recently sat down with him to hear about how he prioritizes his health and wellness. He talked about the internal aspects of his performance, speaking to how maintaining quality mental health is just as valuable as the physical preparation that comes before any big game.

Brittany Moses: And I’m wondering, does this cross over for you into other aspects of life, when it comes to your health and wellness and how you take care of your health or how you’re preventative as you’re trying to, you know, take care of your body going into a game. What does that look like for you?

Amon-Ra St. Brown: …Mentally, for me, the preparation—it starts right after a game. For me, it starts Monday. We watch the tape, then Tuesday’s our off day. But I try to put as much stress on my body throughout the week, and mentally, that I can. Whether it’s watching film, learning the plays, all that because when Sunday comes—game day—I don’t have to worry about anything else. I put in the work, I put myself through the hardest stuff that I can throughout the whole week so that on Sunday I can have fun and play free and not have to worry about those other things.

BM: We talk about important values a lot here at WeShare and I think we want to lean into some of yours—what do you hold as important in terms of your values and focus areas in terms of sportsmanship?

ARSB: I would say for me, my values—this is just in life for me—I would say respect. I feel like that’s huge. I always want to obviously respect my teammates, respect my opponents. But just in life in general, whoever you meet, I just feel like you’ve got to treat everyone with the same respect…so respect is huge for me. I feel like being honest is also another thing. I like to pride myself on being honest with myself most importantly, and then with others too…and then just discipline. That’s big for me. Just understanding…what I want versus what I need. Those are two completely different things, especially in my profession you’ve got to be able to decipher when it’s time to work, when it’s time to have fun.

We learned so much in this conversation with Amon-Ra St. Brown, and are so encouraged by all he had to share. 

To hear the full episode, search for The WeShare Podcast on any listening platform or head to our site: .

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