Discover WeShare’s Latest Healthcare Benefit: Unlimited Telemedicine Access

Breaking News: A New Healthcare Benefit Just For You!  

It’s 2:30 in the morning, and you wake up in a cold sweat. Chills, body aches, nausea. One nostril is as backed up as rush hour traffic, and a high school marching band is traipsing a feverish rhythm across your forehead.

Yup, you’re definitely sick. And the absolute last thing you want to do is drag your sore and tired body into a car, just to sit in an urgent care waiting room for hours to get the care you desperately need.

WeShare Members, this does not have to be your reality! We’ve got a new virtual benefit that brings your urgent AND primary care providers to one place, ensuring you’re getting top-notch care from the comfort and convenience of your home.

Amwell Telemedicine gives you access to unlimited virtual primary and urgent care visits, all with no Consult Fee or AMCS. With urgent care, you have 24/7 access (that’s right, all day every day!) to virtual appointments so that you can be taken care of no matter what common, non-life-threatening problems pop up. With primary care, just about everything you need from an in-person doctor’s office can be accessed at home—annual wellness visits, health screenings, chronic condition care, specialty referrals, prescription refills…. See, the list just keeps going!

One of the best parts about Amwell is the ongoing relationship you can build with your primary healthcare provider. Knowing your doctor knows you, that they have context for your unique health situation and history, is a key component to getting proper medical care and being proactive with your health. With Amwell you can still find a board certified doctor that you know and trust with these virtual care options. These board-certified doctors treat multiple conditions, provide proactive steps for preventative care, and send prescriptions to the pharmacy of your choice. And if you do find yourself needing an in-person appointment, your doctor can help guide and refer you to in-person care.

We want to meet you in the middle of your busy life and support you as you pursue a healthy lifestyle. Amwell Telemedicine is how we’re doing that—if you’ve put off scheduling a primary care visit or establishing a primary care provider because of the hassle of getting into a doctor’s office, Amwell is available at any time to make healthcare quick and easy. To get started, head to and sign-in to your Amwell profile. 

If you haven’t completed your enrollment with Amwell yet, reach out to member services at 800-900-8476 for assistance.

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