Welcome to the WeShare® Blog, your go-to source for insightful content on Christian health, wellness, and community. Dive into articles that inspire positive lifestyle choices, explore wellness tips rooted in faith, and connect with a community dedicated to holistic well-being. From practical health advice to uplifting stories, our blog is a resource for those seeking a path to greater physical, spiritual, and mental well-being. Join us on this journey toward a healthier, more fulfilling life, grounded in the principles of Christian health and community support.
© 2025 Unite Health Share Ministries™ and WeShare®
WeShare® is not a reimbursement program. WeShare® is not an insurance company nor is the membership offered through an insurance company. WeShare® membership is offered and administered by Unite Health Share Ministries™ (UHSM), a nonprofit, religious healthcare sharing ministry that facilitates member-to-member sharing of medical expenses. WeShare® is connected through partnerships to provide resources, community, and healthcare for all WeShare® members.
Members should never have to pay cash up-front for services in-network, with the only payment incurred at the time of service being the per member, per visit, consultation fee, as outlined in the Membership Guidelines. All Sharing Members are responsible for their own medical expenses, less amounts paid from shared dollars.