Preventative Healthcare Sharing: Save on Costs & Enhance Wellness

healthcare sharing

Discover Freedom Through Preventative Healthcare Sharing In today’s healthcare landscape, where rising costs are often unavoidable, preventative care offers a cost-effective solution for many. Not only does it help you manage health proactively, but it also minimizes future expenses. For those involved in healthcare sharing, preventative care isn’t just an option; it’s a cornerstone of […]

How Christian Health Services Offer Freedom in Healthcare

christian health services

Christian Health Services: The Freedom Healthsharing Provides July 4th is a time to celebrate freedom in so many ways — longer sunny days mean more opportunities to get outside, enjoy evening activities, and take a well-deserved break with family and friends. This time of joy is a luxury provided by the freedoms we celebrate. Healthcare […]

Health Sharing vs Traditional Health Coverage: How Christian Healthcare Sharing Works

christian healthcare sharing

We’ve all been there: it’s November, and instead of enjoying the crisp fall weather with family and friends, you’re sorting through a stack of health insurance packets, trying to balance coverage needs with budget constraints. But what if there was a simpler, more community-focused alternative? With Christian healthcare sharing, you can bypass the yearly open […]

15 Healthcare Solutions for Personal Growth and Well-Being

healthcare solutions

Make it a Priority in Your Life to Grow with Healthcare Solutions Special Thanks to Guest Writer, Brittney Moses  Let’s be honest, you don’t need another national holiday to decide to improve the necessary areas of your life, but if you’re looking for thoughtful ways to get started this Self-Improvement Month, here are some ideas […]

Alive for Christ in Allen, TX: Fall Christian Life Coaching Conference

Alive for Christ in Allen

Come Alive for Christ in Allen, Texas, with us:  2022 Fall Christian Life Coaching Conference   UHSM is a proud supporter and sponsor of the 2022 Fall Christian Life Coaching Conference, as a way of reaching, connecting, and communing in fellowship alongside the International Christian Coaching Institute (ICCI) community. UHSM and the ICCI community are excited […]

5 Simple Ways to Add Gratitude to Your Daily Schedule

5 Simple Ways to Add Gratitude

World Gratitude day is Wednesday, September 21st, and to celebrate we are sharing about the benefits of practicing gratitude, and different exercises that you can include to make gratitude part of your daily schedule. Research shows that practicing gratitude regularly has benefits to our overall health and well-being. Practicing gratitude can mean different things to […]

Growing in the Name of the Lord: Wellness From Spirit to Practice

Growing in the Name of the Lord

Growing in the Name of the Lord:  Wellness from Spirit to Practice  September is self-improvement and self-care awareness month, offering a yearly reason to reevaluate one’s life. While life is filled with many highs and lows, it’s important to continuously look for ways to improve one’s life, be that mentally, physically, or spiritually. You and your loved […]

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